Table des matières

OLED ASCii Display

This module displays ASCii coded text on the OLED Display Pmod. It provides an interface that makes it possible to control each display character individually. This module is (by far) sub-optimal and may be improved by several means. This could by the objective of a student project.

( figure source )

Resource requirements



Displaying a character

Each character position is identified by a couple of std_logic_vectors :

To write a character on the screen, it is necessary to assign the ASCii value of the character, the column and line to write. The write command is provided by char_write.

Display rotation

As it is possible to connect the OLED Pmod in two ways, the displayed text might not be easily readable. By default, the module considers that text should be displayed the same orientation than the PCB serigraphy (references / brand and copyrignt). If the display should be rotated by 180° for design reasons, the module provides the optional reverse_display generic input. If reverse_display is set to '1', displayed text and positions will be rotated to reduce architecture modifications.
